Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Demolition of Brooks Hall: June 27

I haven't taken photos of the Brooks Hall demolition in a number of days because, frankly, it's all over but the cleanup. All that's happened since last Friday is that trucks have continually been loaded up with building debris before taking that debris off campus to be dumped somewhere. As you can see from these photos shot today at 12:50 p.m. from atop the Fifth Street Parking Facility, there's not much left of Brooks but an ever-diminishing pile of rubble.

Here's some views of Kokernot Hall and Minglewood Bowl to show the continuing work going on there.

Photos by Randy Fiedler

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I remember my freshman year and first sophomore semester on Brooks 4th! Things got better after that, but it was still a good memory. Eight guys to a suite, four to a room, one bath and toilet. Good view of I-35 to the west and Minglewood Bowl out the other side. There was a crushing Saturday afternoon, I guess it was fall 1972 or 1973, when with seconds to go Baylor almost beat Michigan with a field goal, but no. Thanks for your site! Jerry Summers '76.