Baylor May Give Students and Friends Treat When Hoover Makes Inaugural Address
Waco Times-Herald
January 7, 1929

If the inaugural address of President-Elect Herbert Hoover is broadcast by a television process. Baylor students and invited guests will probably "see and hear" the program on March 4.
At Science Hall
Only four years ago, the inaugural address of President Calvin Coolidge was broadcast [on the radio] and Baylor students assembled in front of the Science hall to marvel at such a wonder. A loud speaker installed on a tree was the means of hearing it. Classes were dismissed for an hour that this marvel might be introduced to doubting students. But this year may come another present-day miracle.
Dr. Spencer Gives Promise
Dr. S.H. Spencer, head of the physics department at Baylor, has promised his classes this event if there is any possible chance. He has ordered a final "piece" for the television apparatus, which he expects soon. The only possibility of missing the address will be failure of the broadcasters to radio by television, Dr. Spencer said Monday [Jan. 7].
"It will not take very long to put up our apparatus for television. It will work absolutely if they treat us right up in Washington. Of course, we can get it over radio, anyway, but it will be a new thing for Baylor students if we can both see and hear our president's inaugural address," he said.